Category: DRA

Time: 0

Seen in Theatre? No

Date: 1986-01-01

Movie #: 48 Title: Pawnbroker 1965

Rating: 9.50

Director (last): LUMET (first): SIDNEY

Writer (last): (first):

Seering portrait of disillusioned Jew, Sol Nazerman (Rod Stieger) haunted by memories of Holocaust and the loss of his wife and family. He runs a pawnshop in a tough neighborhood in the Bronx, lives with his sister and her husband, and seems to be completely bereft of emotion. Sensitively filmed with a strong jazz score. Steiger's performance is among the greatest of modern film.

Is this movie a "gem"? No

Evil Twin:

Good Twin:


Added: 1986-01-01 [yyyy-mm-dd]