Rant of the Week

Uncluttered Minds: Maryland Schools Sell Out


Why aren't parents enraged when schools invite corporations to present plays and organize field trips for students at public schools?

This is one of the most insane things I've heard about.  Schools throughout the United States are inviting corporations to pay for field trips and even to give "dramatic presentations" to students to get their corporate messages across to a captive audience in an "uncluttered" environment.

So, are these generous corporations sending children to museums and art galleries and theatres? 

No.  They are sending your children to Toys R Us and Petco and Saturn dealerships.. 

Isn't this an insult to your intelligence?  I mean, they are not even pretending to attach any real educational value to these excursions.  Toys R Us, for god's sake!

At Petco, the hapless students are presented with coupons entitling them to free goldfish.  Not a free goldfish -- a coupon.  They have to blackmail their parents into returning to the store to redeem the coupons.  This is allowed?  This is legal?  Don't any parents care about this kind of crass exploitation of their children's minds?  Don't they find it annoying to have   two-bit hucksters in the classroom instead of a teacher?

They are seeing plays designed to teach children the virtues of consumption, the environmental friendliness of energy companies, and how wonderful it is to buy things.

The word "uncluttered" comes from Tom Harris, vice president of sales and marketing for "The National Theatre for Children" which basically presents advertising to children disguised as entertainment, and with the informed consent and complicity of principals and school boards.

Mr. Harris says it's easy to dupe principals into accepting commercial intrusion, though he wouldn't use the word "dupe".  Apparently, 95% of school boards are clueless enough to allow it.

The word "uncluttered" is chilling.  In other words, the one environment in which children are not yet assaulted and bombarded with continuous advertising has opened the gates.  The other chilling word he uses is "captive".  The children have no choice.  They have to be in school.  The parents have no choice-- they have to send their children-- it's the law.

Was there ever a more flagrant expression of government intrusion into private lives than this? 

This is as close as it gets to the government actually ordering its citizens to consume.  This is the government actively promoting the gospel of conspicuous consumption.  This is not free enterprise.  This is corporate fascism.  The minds and thoughts of the young must be turned to the "correct" attitude.


All contents copyright 2003 Bill Van Dyk