Rant of the Week

Same as the Old Boss


"They have worked together for 17 of the last 25 years, starting at The Wall Street Journal, and Mr. Pearlstine has been grooming Mr. Huey as his successor since appointing him four years ago as editorial director."

Yes, that's the new editor of Time Magazine they are talking about there-- fresh from the Wall Street Journal, that paragon of biased muck-raking populist left-wing journalism! 

There is a substantial segment of the U. S. population that believes that Time Magazine, CNN, and CBS are staffed by radical liberals.  That same population believes the earth might very well be flat and that guns don't kill people-- people kill people.  Maybe they also believe that condoms don't have sex-- people have sex.  So why shouldn't they distribute them in high school bathrooms?   And Senator Joseph McCarthy really did save us from communist infiltration and subversion of our democratic institutions....

Anyway, here we have the new Editor-in-Chief of the Time Magazine empire and he comes from the Wall Street Journal, the very oracle of American capitalism.  I suppose he might still be "left-wing" in the sense that he isn't quite as conservative as Rush Limbaugh or Fox News or James Dobson. 

The next time some conservative tries to tell you that some story or another (like how disaster relief in New Orleans failed, or how Afghanistan has now become the world's top source of heroin, or whatever), is simply the "liberal" media slandering President Bush as usual, ask him or her if she classifies the Wall Street Journal as "liberal", and ask her if she could identify a particular liberal magazine or journal out there, other than Mother Jones or the Nation, because I'd like to subscribe to it.

All contents copyright 2005 Bill Van Dyk